Bill Anderson wrote: Mama sang a song
In Salisbury I heard this song by Bill Anderson called: “Mama sang a song.” I really loved this song, and sang it all over Southern Africa. At the time I was very sentimental regarding my parents, and so I related strongly to this song. My mother used to sing all the time, and my father used to tell us Bible stories. My dad was the one who bought our first guitar, and who taught me how to play it. Both my parents have passed on now.
The Touch of the Master’s Hand
I have always loved this song about the old violin. When I was a teenager I was always looking at the auction place and the second hand shops to try and get bargains on musical instruments. I bought a violin and a car from an auction place. Other things I bought were a six sided mouth organ, a piano, a piano accordian, a set of drums and various guitars. I like Bill Anderson’s version of this song.
I have heard other singers do this song, but here is Bill’s version. There is something so appealing about this song of a soldier in the desert, deprived of the luxuries of life. I have been on the borders of my home country on military duty, so I know the feeling. I read a book on Bob Hope. When he was in the desert entertaining the troops in North Africa, he got shot at in the jeep, so he jumped out, and twisted his ankle. When the medic was attending to him, he seemed very nervous, and Bob asked him if he had been to medical school. The guy replied that when he got drafted, he had to put on the paper where he had worked before, and he wrote: “Dr. Pepper.” So they put him in the medical section!
I’ve enjoyed as much of this as I can stand
One of my favorite love songs is: “I’ve enjoyed as much of this as I can stand,” and I think it was written by Bill Anderson. However, I heard it in Africa by Jim Reeves. Here is Porter Wagoner doing it.
I have heard this song on the classic country radio station from Buffalo.
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