I believe in the birth of Jesus, and the story of the shepherds and the wise men, but I don’t see it being right to add a ‘mas’ onto his name. It is not like that in the Bible. Also, I am not convinced that Jesus was born on the 25th of December. That is the day the pagans celebrated the re-birth of the sun-god. Sun worship is death penalty in the Bible. Deuteronomy 17. We met a preacher who died and went to heaven, and came back, and he said Jesus was born and died at Passover.
Little boy from the carpenter shop – Bonnie Wallace
‘Born in a stable, his mother a virgin.’ That is how it starts. It is a very powerful song. He took the keys from the devil.
‘A man born in a small village, the son of a peasant woman.’ ‘No man has affected life on earth so powerfully as this one solitary man.’
Away in a manger – Anne Murray
A humble birth, and a humble death. The greatest man experienced both, for you and me.
I am not sure who the singers are, but they sing nice. ‘God sent His son, they called Him Jesus. He came to love, heal and forgive.’ Let us ask Him to forgive us all our sins at this season.
It was a holy night. I believe that Jesus was born, like what is written in the holy scriptures.
C.H.R.I.S.T. – M.A.S.ter song – Jim Reeves
One of the best singers also believed in Jesus.
There’s something about that name
When Gloria Gaither sings it, she has a whole lot of words that she talks very beautifully. We used to have their record. This is an unknown singer.
Down from His glory – children singing
‘Born in a manger, to His own a stranger.’ I think this is one of the greatest worship songs. There is an ancient writing called ‘The Ascension of Isaiah’ where he says how Jesus came down from the seventh heaven to be born of Mary. How He was to die on a cross and be raised from the dead on the third day. Actually, Jesus and Paul both quote scriptures of Him rising from the dead on the third day. (Luke 24, 46 and 1 Corinthians 15, 4).
Wake up – the soldiers are coming
Copyright © by Don Foster, December 05, 2011 (Here is a new story)
Husband: “Wake up, the soldiers are coming.”
Wife: “What soldiers?”
Husband” “The king’s soldiers.”
Wife: “So What. We haven’t done anything wrong. We have nothing to be afraid of.”
Husband: “God warned me in a dream. They want to kill our baby.”
Wife: “Kill him? Why? He hasn’t done anything wrong. Besides, they don’t even know where we live. We just moved here. Nobody knows where we are.”
Husband: “They are killing all the babies in this area to make sure they get him.”
Wife: “Ah common, you are just paranoid. You had a bad dream. Nothing is going to happen. God gave us our baby and He won’t allow anything bad to happen to him.”
Husband: “But we still have to look after him. It is my responsibility. That is why I married you, so that I could protect him. Hurry and get dressed.”
Wife: “But it’s the middle of the night. Can’t we wait until morning? Besides, I would still have to pack. Are you sure the dream came from God?”
Husband: “Yes, I am a hundred percent sure.”
Wife: “But the baby is sleeping.”
Husband: “I don’t care what the baby is doing. Get up!”
Wife: “Give me back my blanket.”
Husband: “No I won’t. Get up now!”
Wife: “What will we take with? How are we going to travel?”
Husband: “I don’t know. We will start walking, and make plans as we go. Now hurry.”
Wife: “How much stuff can I take?”
Husband: “Only what you can carry. Now hurry.”
Wife: ”What will I wear?”
Husband: “Well I’m taking the baby now. Follow me in whatever you want. I’m going.”
Wife: “How can you be so inconsiderate?”
Husband: “Listen. I had this dream earlier, but I was so tired I fell asleep. Then I had a nightmare that the soldiers were chopping off his arms and legs, and mocking him saying: ‘So you want to be king?’ They were so cruel. We must hurry.”
Wife: “Where are we going?”
Husband: “Egypt.”
Wife: “Egypt? I can’t walk that far.”
Husband: “Maybe God will supply us transport or something. We still have the gold those men from the east gave us. Now hurry.”
Wife: “Have you got it?”
Husband: “Yes, it’s in my bag. Wait. Did you hear that? I heard a woman screaming. They are on our street now. I’m going.”
Wife: “I’m coming, I’m coming.”
Husband: “Keep in the shadows, and don’t make a sound.”
Wife: “Make sure the baby doesn’t cry.”
Husband: “We are safe now. We’ll take this country road to the next village.”
Wife: “Thank you God, and thank you Joseph.”
Husband: “I love you Mary, and I love baby Jesus too.”
I also have a Gospel web site. If you want to check it out, go to: http://countrygospelandbible.com/